Polymer Extrusion

Chris Rauwendaal

Polymer Extrusion


950 Seiten

Format: PDF, Online Lesen

E-Book: €  149,99

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ISBN: 9781569905395


Initially published 'to bridge the gap between theory and practice in extrusion,' this 5th edition of Polymer Extrusion continues to serve the practicing polymer engineer and chemist, providing the theoretical and the practical tools for successful extrusion operations. In its revised and expanded form, it also incorporates the many new developments in extrusion theory and machinery over the last years.
·Different Types of Extruders
·Extruder Hardware
·Instrumentation and Control
·Fundamental Principles
·Important Polymer Properties
·Functional Process Analysis
·Extruder Screw Design
·Die Design
·Twin Screw Extruders
·Troubleshooting Extruders
·Modeling and Simulation of the Extrusion Process


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