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101 - 110 von 275 Büchern

Injection Mold Design Handbook

Bruce Catoen, Herbert Rees


Injection Mold Design Handbook

An injection mold is the heart of any plastics molding workcell. Understanding the principles of an injection mold design and its importance to a successful plastic part is fundamental to the success of the product. This book helps guide the designer

€  279,99

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Injection Molding - Technology and Fundamentals

Musa R. Kamal, Avram I. Isayev


Injection Molding - Technology and Fundamentals

This book attempts to survey the state of the science and technology of the injection molding process. It represents a comprehensive, balanced mix of practical and theoretical aspects for a wide range of injection molding applications. The authors of

€  239,99

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Injection Molding Advanced Troubleshooting Guide - The 4M Approach

This highly practical troubleshooting guide solves injection molding problems systematically and quickly. The rigorous but user-friendly approach employs the authors' proven »STOP« methodology, considering molding process, mold, machine, and material

€  169,99

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Injection Molding Machines - A User's Guide

Although the basic injection molding technology has not changed much since the publication of the 3rd edition of 'Injection Molding Machines', there has been considerable progress in certain process applications that make special demands on machinery

€  199,99

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Injection Molding Process Control, Monitoring, and Optimization

Yi Yang, Xi Chen, Ningyun Lu, Furong Gao


Injection Molding Process Control, Monitoring, and Optimization

Improvement of injection molding processes remains a topic of great interest in both industry and research institutions. This book introduces the analysis of the molding process from a systems technology point of view.
It is divided into four pa

€  199,99

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Injection Molding Processing Data

Alberto Naranjo C., María del Pilar Noriega E., Juan Diego Sierra M., Juan Rodrigo Sanz, Tim A. Osswald


Injection Molding Processing Data

In setting up an injection molding machine, reliable initial processing data is necessary to optimize and stabilize the process, and guarantee excellent results. This powerful tool will provide you with the most important processing data, such as vis

€  16,99

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Injection Molding Simulation for Beginners

This book offers an up-to-date, platform-independent introduction to injection molding simulation, which plays a very important role in the design of molds and molded parts as well as process development and optimization. The content is structured an

€  119,99

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Injection Molding for Practitioners

Christoph Jaroschek


Injection Molding for Practitioners

Practical and easy to understand, this book describes the injection molding process and the settings of the injection molding machine to produce high-quality injection molded parts. It is intended as a guide for the machine operator and provides clea

€  89,99

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Injection Molds for Beginners

Rainer Dangel


Injection Molds for Beginners

This applications-oriented book describes the construction of an injection mold from the ground up. Included are explanations of the individual types of tools, components, and technical terms; design procedures; techniques, tips, and tricks in the co

€  99,99

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Injection Molds for Beginners

Rainer Dangel


Injection Molds for Beginners

This applications-oriented book describes the construction of an injection mold from the ground up. Included are explanations of the individual types of molds, components, and technical terms; design procedures; techniques, tips, and tricks in the co

€  99,99

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101 - 110 von 275 Büchern

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