Future of Services

Dieter Spath, Walter Ganz

Future of Services


345 Seiten

Format: PDF, Online Lesen

E-Book: €  27,99

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ISBN: 9783446418806


The Future of Services
Trends and Perspectives

Identifying trends and recognizing opportunities in the modern service economy with a view to actively shaping the future: This is what the various chapters of this volume set out to do. Find a collection of factual observation, empirical data and expert opinions on trends and perspectives on the future of services that can inspire strategy development and decision making in research, politics and business.

About the editors:

Professor Dieter Spath is the head and Walter Ganz the Director of the Fraunhofer Institute IAO, Stuttgart.

- Excellent service decides about competition and survival abilities of businesses
- Linking-up of economy, science and politics
- Connecting to international trends
- Forming-up of market and opinion leadership in new solution strategies and thematic fields


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