Injection Mold Design Engineering

David O. Kazmer

Injection Mold Design Engineering


444 Seiten

Format: PDF, Online Lesen

E-Book: €  109,99

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ISBN: 9783446434196


This book provides a vision and structure to finally synergize all the engineering disciplines that converge in the mold design process. The topics are presented in a top-down manner, beginning with introductory definitions and the 'big picture' before proceeding to layout and detailed design of molds. The book provides very pragmatic analysis with worked examples that can be readily adapted to 'real world' mold design applications. It should help students and practitioners to understand the inner workings of injection molds and encourage them to think 'outside the box' in developing innovative and highly functional mold designs.
·Introduction to mold functions, types, and components
·Review of design for injection molding
·Cost estimation and optimization
·Mold layout design including cavity layout, sizing, and materials selection
·Cavity, runner system, and gating analysis and design
·Cooling system analysis and design
·Venting, shrinkage, and warpage analysis and strategies
·Ejection force analysis and ejection system designs
·Stress and deflection analysis with structural system designs
·A survey of advanced mold designs


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