Proceedings of the 17th Rapid.Tech 3D Conference Erfurt, Germany, 22 -23 June 2021

Michael Kynast, Gerd Witt, Michael Eichmann

Proceedings of the 17th Rapid.Tech 3D Conference Erfurt, Germany, 22 -23 June 2021


450 Seiten

Format: PDF

E-Book: €  59,99

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ISBN: 9783446471733


Rapid.Tech 3D has developed constantly and consequently over the last 19 years to an absolutely leading event in the field of Additive Manufacturing. The Rapid.Tech 3D specialist conference is aimed specifically at users and developers of Additive Manufacturing technologies.
This work contains papers of the 17th Rapid.Tech conference that grant unique insights into latest research developments, specialized knowledge of Additive Manufacturing research and applications. Some of the papers
are double-blind reviewed by a scientific review-committee.


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