Runner and Gating Design Handbook - Tools for Successful Injection Molding

John P. Beaumont

Runner and Gating Design Handbook

Tools for Successful Injection Molding


470 Seiten

Format: PDF

E-Book: €  199,99

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ISBN: 9781569905913


* Overview of Runners, Gates, and Gate Positioning
* Rheology and Melt Flow in an Injection Mold
* Filling and Packing Effects on Material and Molded Part
* Gate Positioning and Molding Strategies
* The Melt Delivery System
* Filling, Melt, and Product Variations Developed in Multi-Cavity Molds
* Runner Influence on Product Shrinkage, Warp, and Residual Stresses
* Runner Layouts
* Managing Shear-Induced Melt Variations for Successful Molding
* Cold Runner Molds
* Hot Runner Molds
* Hot Runner Flow Channel Design
* Hot Runner Drops, Nozzles, and Gates
* Thermal Issues of Hot Runner Systems
* The Mechanics and Operations of Hot Runners
* Process of Designing and Selecting a Runner System
* Troubleshooting


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