Engineering Biopolymers: Homopolymers, Blends, and Composites

Stoyko Fakirov, Debes Bhattacharyya

Engineering Biopolymers: Homopolymers, Blends, and Composites


865 Seiten

Format: PDF, Online Lesen

E-Book: €  329,99

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ISBN: 9783446442504


This unique volume covers the results of the world-wide efforts to implement natural polymers as engineering plastics and the use of their inherent properties. The processing opportunities and the applications of the natural materials as reinforcement of polymer composites are discussed, including the structural, morphological and thermal characterization as well as the mechanical behavior of the obtained materials. Also covered is the preparation of biodegradable homopolymers, blends and composites, which involves chemical reactions, regardless of the type of the starting material.


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