Polymer Rheology - Fundamentals and Applications

Natalie Rudolph, Tim A. Osswald

Polymer Rheology

Fundamentals and Applications


237 Seiten

Format: PDF, Online Lesen

E-Book: €  99,99

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ISBN: 9781569905234


This book is designed to provide a background in polymer rheology to both engineering students and practicing engineers. It is written at an intermediate level with sufficient technical information and practical examples to enable the reader to understand the interesting and complex rheological behavior of polymers, to make the right decisions regarding rheological testing methods, and to troubleshoot rheology related problems encountered in polymer processing. The organization of the book and the practical examples throughout make it an ideal textbook and reference source. Processors and raw material suppliers will find the information within particularly valuable. Rheology is a rapidly growing and industrially important field, playing a significant role not only in polymer processing, but also in food processing, coating and printing, and many other manufacturing processes.

Dr.-Ing. Natalie Rudolph is Business Field Manager Polymers at NETZSCH. She was previously Director of R&D in Composites at AREVO, Assistant Professor at the University of Wisconsin-Madison College of Engineering, and Team Leader at the Fraunhofer Institute ICT, Germany.


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