Risk and change management in complex systems - Proceedings of the 16th International DSM ConferenceParis, France, 2-4 Juli 2014

Franck Marle, Marija Jankovic, Maik Maurer, Danilo Marcello Schmidt, Udo Lindemann

Risk and change management in complex systems

Proceedings of the 16th International DSM ConferenceParis, France, 2-4 Juli 2014


404 Seiten

Format: PDF, Online Lesen

E-Book: €  47,99

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ISBN: 9781569904923


Dependency and Structure Modelling (DSM) techniques support the management of complexity by focusing attention on the elements of a complex system and how they are related to each other. The DSM perspective can assist in understanding, designing and optimising complex systems - including products, processes and organisations.
This volume comprises peer-reviewed papers representing state-of-the-art in DSM research and applications. The papers were presented at the 15th International DSM Conference held in July 2014 in Paris, France.


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