Textile Technology - An Introduction

Thomas Gries, Dieter Veit, Burkhard Wulfhorst

Textile Technology

An Introduction


457 Seiten

Format: PDF

E-Book: €  129,99

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ISBN: 9781569905661


Textile Technology is a unique and readable introduction into the field of textile engineering. It is based on an elementary level course focusing on the manufacture (processes and machines) of yarn, fabric, knitwear, nonwovens, braids, reinforcing fabrics, and technical textiles, but also provides technicians and engineers in the textile industry with an up-to-date review of processes and equipment for textile manufacturing.
The book covers all processing steps for the manufacturing of textiles, describing materials, processes and machines, finishing, making-up, and recycling. To provide a better understanding of the individual textile processes, each chapter ends with an example describing the respective processing steps for a specific textile product. In addition, current and future development trends are discussed.
The second edition is brought up to date with extensive coverage of new developments, such as in the fields of testing, measurement, and simulation.
• Raw materials
• Yarn production
• Fabric production
• Knitwear production
• Nonwovens production
• Braiding processes and machines
• Noncrimp fabrics
• Textile finishing
• Clothing manufacture
• Technical textiles
• Textile testing
• Disposal and recycling
• Simulation

Dr.-Ing. Dieter Veit ist Akademischer Direktor am Institut für Textiltechnik der RWTH Aachen. Er ist Coautor des Buchs 'Textile Fertigungsverfahren' und seiner englischer Version 'Textile Technology'.


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